Meraki MS Series Switches
Cisco Meraki offers a broad range of switches built from the ground up that are designed to be easy to manage without compromising any of the power and flexibility traditionally found in enterprise-class switches.
Meraki access and aggregation switches are all managed through an elegant, intuitive cloud interface, freeing administrators to spend less time on configuration and more time on meeting business needs.
Included in the box and datasheet
Every MS license is available in 1-, 3-, 5-, 7-, and 10-year terms.
How does Meraki licensing work?
Meraki devices use the Meraki cloud for centralized management and control. The Meraki cloud is licensed on a per device, per year basis. Each device is licensed for a set duration with an expiration date.
What is the difference between co-termination and per-device licensing models?
Meraki supports two main types of licensing models, per-device licensing (PDL) and co-termination licensing (co-term). Details regarding the similarities and differences between the two models can be found in the Meraki Licensing document.
Can I combine co-termination and per-device licensing models in the same organization?
No. Licensing is handled on a per-organization level and each organization can only have one licensing model. Organizations will use the co-termination model by default, but administrators can opt into the per-device model if they choose.
How much does an Enterprise Cloud license cost?
License prices vary for each product line. For example, a one-year wireless license list price is $150 and a three-year switch license list price is $400. Licenses are available for different time durations (1 day, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 years).
How do I buy an Enterprise Cloud license?
You can buy a license through an authorized Meraki partner or reseller.
Do I have to buy more licenses every time I buy new hardware?
Not necessarily; licenses are sold separately from the hardware. For example, you could upgrade from the MR18 to the MR33 without buying new licenses, as the wireless APs do not have model-specific licenses
NOTE: Some Meraki MX security appliances are eligible for license conversion. Please call Meraki support for additional information and assistance.
Do I need to have a license for every piece of Meraki hardware?
Yes, every Meraki hardware component requires a cloud license to be managed. Meraki hardware that isn’t licensed won’t pass traffic.
Are there different license tiers or editions?
The cellular gateway, camera, and systems manager product lines have one tier: Enterprise.
The switch product line has two tiers: Enterprise and Advanced licensing
The wireless product line has two tiers: Enterprise and Advanced/Upgrade, which are described in detail in the MR Advanced/Upgrade License document.
The security/SD-WAN appliance product line has three tiers: Enterprise, Advanced Security, and Secure SD-WAN Plus, which are described in the Meraki MX Security and SD-WAN Licensing document.
Meraki Insight has five tiers: X-Small, Small, Medium, Large, and X-Large. Details can be found in the Meraki Insight Introduction document.
How does licensing vary between different Meraki product lines, e.g., wireless, switches, and security appliances?
In general, all Meraki products follow the same licensing model. The primary difference between them is that for all wireless access points (MR series), and camera lines (MV), the license is the same for all hardware models. In contrast, for the switches (MS series) and security appliance line (MX series), each hardware model has a different license.
Example: the LIC-ENT-1YR (1-year Enterprise MR license) applies to any of the MR access points. The LIC-MS220-24-1YR (1-year Enterprise MS220-24 license) applies to the MS220-24 model. The LIC-ENT-MX64-1YR (1-year Enterprise MX64 license) applies to the MX64. MI has a sizing model depending on how much throughput is needed to be monitored and also dependent on the MX; the details can be found in the MI Web App Health document. SM is licensed on the number of devices that are enrolled in your SM networks.
Is Advanced Security or Secure SD-WAN Plus licensing available for Z-Series devices?